YPOP Guestbook Greatest Hits
An archive of some of the more representative comments
from the YPOP Guestbook.
I am a teacher at Montville Township High School in New Jersey. I
recently found your site through the NASA cool picks and used the YOHKOH
satellite lesson with my physics class. Thanks for the help!
Ruth Starkins <starbach@worldnet.att.net>
NJ USA - Thursday, February 19, 1998 at 07:57 PM (MST)
A great site for an amatuer astronomer like me who is just beginning to
study the sun. Until now I have been content to use my 8" scope and solar
filter. Now, viewing the daily images is part of my daily routine. Thanks
for the great job.
David Gardner <mrcoquina@webtv.net>
augustine, fl USA - Wednesday, February 18, 1998 at 08:08 PM (MST)
WOW!! This is just FANTASTIC!! Wish I had found you sooner. You have
done a GREAT job. I teach 8 grade science, and you have done a wonderful
job of preparing lesson plans. Your lesson on filters accomplishes what I
have failed to do : How do astronomers learn about things in the universe
just by studying light? I am really excited about your work. I plan to use
your lessons next year and let other teachers know about your work.
Robert Talbert <rjtalbert@juno.com>
charleston, SC Charleston - Thursday, March 26, 1998 at 08:30 PM
Thank you for your information - This will help me with my Science
Dennis Girard <allofus@mnsi.net>
Windsor, On Canada - Tuesday, May 06, 1997 at 08:18 (MDT)
The sundial pages are excellent - just what I think will get the
children interested and on to their project. We are a little country
school of 41 children and the nearest large library is about 45 minutes
away so refrence material is not easy to come by. Thanks again.
Bruce Groves (teacher) <pakotai.sch@xtra.co.nz>
Whangarei, New Zealand - Sunday, August 17, 1997 at 06:02 PM (MDT)
This is a very informitive site. Throuhg your site I have been able to
the fact that I will now be majoring in Astronomy, durring my college
years. Thanks for all the info
John D. Parker. <av8or1@worldnet.att.net
Tacoma, Wa USA - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 03:08 PM (MDT)
I am a homeschooling mom of 7 children can't wait until you
have completed the rest of the info for education. The class
room portion of this site is excellent. We have used this
for part of our science curriculum for today. Thanks,
Please contact me by e-mail re:more great science info.
Michelle Bartlett <bartlett@in-tch.com>
Bigfork, MT USA - Monday, April 28, 1997 at 10:29 (MDT)