[Loops] summaries on nanoflare debates in "coronalloopworkshops"

Arthur Poland polandart at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 10:29:25 MST 2009

 From model calculations I have been doing in 2-D MHD with the Flash
code  it appears to me that you can deposit the heat in either the
transition region or the corona and get pretty much the same result.
Conduction has been done in a vector mode, only along the magnetic field
lines. The field lines do get distorted some by the energy, but only a
little. If the energy is deposited in the transition region, it rapidly
"evaporates" the upper chromosphere and sends a visible structure into
the corona. If the energy is deposited in the corona, it conducts down
to the transition region with little loss and causes the same effect.
The results are new, so I need to study them for more subtle differences.

Mitchell Berger wrote:
> Jim,
>  (By the way, the secondary instability work is Dahlburg,
> KLIMCHUK, and Antiochos!!!)  Ooops!
> So maybe it is possible that the place most favoured by the corona to
> relieve its stresses is at the base. Or maybe there
> is another possibility, that reconnections in the corona send jets of
> energetic particles downwards, where they boil the chromospheric
> material and send that material upwards.
> In this case, we might first observe what is happening at the
> chromosphere, because of the much greater densities there -- has this
> been ruled out?
> Cheers
> Mitch
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Dr. Art Poland
George Mason University
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