[Loops] Vote for SOHO in NASA's Mission Madness Finals!

Marco Velli mvelli at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Apr 6 12:39:14 MDT 2009

> Subject: Vote for SOHO in NASA's Mission Madness Finals!
> Heliophiles,
> After a nail biting 26,267 to 25,890 victory in the semi-finals over  
> (which kicked out Apollo 11 and Hubble in earlier rounds), SOHO has  
> advanced
> to the finals in NASA's 2009 Mission Madness Tournament:
> http://mission-madness.nasa.gov/mm/bracket.html
> In the finals, we're up against an even tougher opponent (SPB),  
> which managed
> to get over 40,000 votes in the last two rounds (and kicked out the  
> Mars
> Rovers (MER) and Mars Odyssey before). So to win, we will need every  
> vote!
> To vote for SOHO,
> 1. visit:    http://mission-madness.nasa.gov/mm/bracket.html
> 2. find SOHO (under the large, red SUBMIT VOTE button)
> 3. click on "SOHO" to highlight the name, then click on blue arrow.
> 4. click the large, red, "Submit vote" button. You'll be asked to  
> enter some
> characters in a pop-up box to verify you're not a robot, and your  
> vote will be
> counted;
> 5. go to (1), above by clicking on the "bracket" link in the middle  
> of the
> page,  and repeat as often as you like.
> Voting will open tomorrow morning (Monday, April 6) and will close  
> at midnight
> (EDT) on Tuesday, April 7. So only two days to vote (April 6-7).
> So please VOTE for SOHO, and VOTE OFTEN!! (and tell your friends and  
> families,
> and their friends, dogs and cats!)
> Thanks for your support!
> Bernhard
> ==================================================================
> Dr. Bernhard Fleck
> SOHO Project Scientist, European Space Agency
> c/o NASA/GSFC Mailcode 671.1
> Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
> bfleck at esa.nascom.nasa.gov
> Tel: +1-301-286-4098
> Fax: +1-301-286-0264
> ==================================================================

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