[Loops] SOLAR CORONAL LOOPS WORKSHOP IV - Abstract Deadline Reminder

Klimchuk, James A. (GSFC-6710) james.a.klimchuk at nasa.gov
Mon May 4 14:41:43 MDT 2009


    I'd be happy to put up a poster, but I doubt I will have time to talk about it.  As it is, I'm trying to decide which of my results to present.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: loops-bounces at solar.physics.montana.edu [mailto:loops-
> bounces at solar.physics.montana.edu] On Behalf Of Arthur Poland
> Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 9:00 PM
> To: A mailing list for scientists involved in the observation and modeling of solar
> loop structures
> Subject: Re: [Loops] SOLAR CORONAL LOOPS WORKSHOP IV - Abstract
> Deadline Reminder
> Hi Joan,
>    I can't make it to Florence, but I was hoping to send my work with
> Jim Klimchuk. I'll be presenting at the SPD meeting. I was hoping he
> could have an opportunity to say something about it in Florence.
> Thanks
> Art
> Joan T Schmelz (jschmelz) wrote:
> > Tuesday, June 30 - Friday, July 3, 2009
> > Astronomy and Space Science Department
> > University of Florence
> > Largo E. Fermi 2, Firenze, Italy
> >
> > Just a reminder that the abstract deadline is May 15.
> >
> > Website: http://www.astro.unifi.it/~clw09/
> >
> > We hope to see you in Florence!
> >
> > SOC & LOC
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Loops mailing list
> > Loops at solar.physics.montana.edu
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> >
> --
> Dr. Art Poland
> George Mason University
> Mail Stop 6A2
> 4400 University Dr.
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> Dept. of Computational and Data Sciences
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> Office 703-993-8404
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> Fax 540-347-5526
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> Loops mailing list
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