[Loops] Paper on TRACE EUV filter respones and the kappa-distributions

Dudík Jaroslav Jaroslav.Dudik at fmph.uniba.sk
Mon Sep 21 06:26:03 MDT 2009

Dear all,

the accepted paper "EUV filter responses to plasma emission for the nonthermal kappa-distributions" is available as a forthcoming paper on the A&A website:


In addition, here is a paper on the scaling laws that came out in August:


My best regards,


Jaroslav Dudík
Division of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Department of Astronomy, Physics of the Earth and Meteorology
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Comenius University
Mlynska Dolina F2-203
842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia
+421 2 602 95 630

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