[Loops] loops and thermal nonequilibrium

Harry Warren harry.warren at nrl.navy.mil
Mon Dec 7 04:24:54 MST 2009


I find your paper a more convincing than Hugh. Still, a TRACE image or two
to illustrate the morphology of the actual corona would be helpful.

Also, using "high frequency nanoflare" (or similar variants) as a synonym
for "steady heating" is invariably confusing.

Finally, how much low temperature emission (less than ~ 5.5, for example)
does the nanoflare model predict? If loops are cooling all of the way down
we should see some transition region emission in the corona all the time
over active regions. This seems like an analog of the "insufficient observed
coronal rain" problem. Of course, it might be too faint to see considering
how bright the transition region on the disk is.


On 12/5/09 7:04 AM, "Klimchuk, James A. (GSFC-6710)"
<james.a.klimchuk at nasa.gov> wrote:

> Dear Loops Friends,
>     If you are interested, the attached paper shows that coronal loops cannot
> be explained by thermal nonequilibrium.  The results appear to rule out the
> widespread existence of coronal heating that is both highly concentrated low
> in the corona and steady or quasi-steady (slowly varying or impulsive with a
> rapid cadence).  Comments are welcomed.
> Best wishes,
> Jim
> ******************************************************************************
> **
> James A. Klimchuk
> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
> Solar Physics Lab, Code 671
> Bldg. 21, Rm. 158
> Greenbelt, MD  20771
> Phone: 1-301-286-9060
> Fax:     1-301-286-7194
> E-mail:  James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov <mailto:James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov>
> Home page:  http://hsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/staff/bios/cs/James_Klimchuk.html
> <http://hsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/staff/bios/cs/James_Klimchuk.html>
> ******************************************************************************
> **

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// Harry P. Warren             phone : 202-404-1453
// Naval Research Laboratory   fax   : 202-404-7997
// Code 7673HW                 email : hwarren at nrl.navy.mil
// Washington, DC 20375        www   : http://tcrb.nrl.navy.mil/~hwarren
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