[Loops] another COSPAR session

Paola Testa ptesta at cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Jan 28 13:33:58 MST 2010

Dear all,

we would like to advertise another COSPAR session that we believe some 
of you might be interested in attending. Please find below the relevant 
We remind that the abstract submission is:

Paola Testa and Fabio Reale

COSPAR Session E23: New perspectives on the solar-stellar connection
Event description:
The corona of our Sun is, to date, the only stellar corona that can be 
resolved and studied at a high level of detail. The solar corona is 
often used as paradigm for the interpretation of the X-ray activity of other
solar-like stars of which we can only observe disk-integrated emission.
Stars, on the other hand, present an enormous range of ages, and other 
properties, and thus they provide tools for understanding the long-term
evolution of solar X-ray activity, as well as offering laboratories for 
detailed models of solar activity in conditions unavailable to the Sun.
The proposed session aims at providing the solar and stellar communities
with an opportunity for meeting and discussing recent advances in our 
of the physical processes at work in the X-ray emitting outer atmosphere
of the Sun and of stars. The discussion will be particularly focused on
recent results of the Hinode and SDO missions on the solar side, and XMM
and Chandra on the stellar one.

Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Costanza Argiroffi (University of Palermo, Italy)
James Klimchuk (NASA-GSFC, USA)
Isabella Pagano (INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Italy)
Jurgen Schmitt (Universitaet Hamburg, Germany)
Carolus Schrijver (LMSAL, USA)
Sami Solanki (Max-Planck-Institut fur Sonnensystemforschung, Germany)

The 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly will be held in Bremen, Germany 
18-25 July, 2010.
Information about COSPAR and forms for registration, accommodations may 
be found at http://www.cospar-assembly.org/

ABSTRACTS DUE DATE: Friday, February 19 2010 at the COSPAR website 

Questions about this session can be addressed to the session organizers:
reale at astropa.unipa.it
ptesta at cfa.harvard.edu

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