[Loops] New paper

Marcelo Lopez Fuentes lopezf at iafe.uba.ar
Tue Jun 22 11:32:22 MDT 2010

Dear loop people,

This is to call your attention to our recent paper accepted 
for publication in ApJ: 
"A simple model for the evolution of multi-stranded coronal loops"
M.C. Lopez Fuentes and J.A. Klimchuk
Here is the link:

For those interested in the subject who are attending the next 
COSPAR meeting in Bremen, I will give a talk during session E21 
(on tuesday 20). Thanks!!

Best regards,


Marcelo Lopez Fuentes     lopezf at iafe.uba.ar
Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio
CC 67, Suc 28, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: 54-11-4781-6755    Fax: 54-11-4786-8114
Web: http://cms.iafe.uba.ar/lopezf

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