[Loops] SOLAR CORONAL LOOPS WORKSHOP V - Second announcement

Ignacio Ugarte Urra iugarte at ssd5.nrl.navy.mil
Fri Feb 18 07:47:48 MST 2011

Dear all,

Here is the second announcement for the 2011 Loops workshop.
Please note that the online version (www.loops2011.org) includes a
"Table of models and observables" within the session "Integrating Models
and Observations". That session will be lead by Amy Winebarger. She has
written a letter describing the goals of the session
(http://www.uibcongres.org/img/coronal/letter.pdf). Please read it if
you are planning to attend and contribute.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Mallorca.
Best regards,


This is the second announcement for the fifth Loops Workshop to be held
in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 29-July 2, 2011, hosted by the
Universitat de les Illes Balears. The loops workshops are a series of
highly focused meetings dealing with the observation and modeling of
magnetically confined plasma in the solar upper atmosphere.

Registration is now open at the website: www.loops2011.org

We are also pleased to announce that we have limited funds from ESA and
the US NSF to support the travel expenses of students and early

The deadlines for abstract submission are: 
- March 15 2011, if requesting travel support
- April 15, 2011, everyone else.

For this meeting the SOC has defined a series of topics and questions
and speakers have been invited to lead each session. We encourage the
submission of abstracts that contribute to the topics described below.
To allow for extended discussion sessions the number of speakers will be
limited to about 40. We anticipate having a poster session to
accommodate other topics of interest.

These are the planned sessions and confirmed invited speakers:

* The Coronal Heating Problem: Talks that will address the current state
of the coronal heating problem, including recent progress and
interesting theoretical paradigms. 
Invited speakers: Iñigo Arregui (Illes Balears), Peter Cargill (St.

* The Properties of the Solar Corona: Talks that will explore the
boundaries of our understanding of the solar corona and its relationship
to the transition region and chromosphere.
Invited speakers: Giulio Del Zanna (Cambridge), Susanna Parenti (Royal
Observatory Belgium)

* Integrating Models and Observations: A systematic look at coronal
heating models and what they predict for solar observables.
Invited speaker: Amy Winebarger (NASA)

* Open Questions in Coronal Loops: A Series of Debates.

- Flows vs Waves. 
Are they exclusive? Can we distinguish between them? What role does each
play in loop dynamics?
Invited speakers: Scott McIntosh (HAO), Erwin Verwichte (Warwick)

- Spicules and Evaporation.
How does mass enter the corona? What is the relative contribution of
spicules and evaporation? Are they compatible? Do all loops have
spicular counterparts? What can we infer about the source of the heating
from the observations?
Invited speakers: Bart De Pontieu (Lockheed Martin), Spiros Patsourakos

- The DEM spectrum from isothermal to multi-thermal.
What is the cross-field thermal structure of coronal loops? How does it
vary in space and time?
Invited speakers: Markus Aschwanden (Lockheed Martin), Paola Testa (CfA)

- Steady vs. Impulsive Heating.
What is the timescale between heating events in active regions? 
Invited speakers: Piet Martens (Montana), Fabio Reale (Palermo)

Please, notice that the MHD waves and Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere
Workshop (www.buks2011.org) will be held at the same venue from June 27
to 29, 2011. A joint session will take place on 29 June afternoon.

The Scientific Organizing Committee
Steve Bradshaw
Jim Klimchuk
Helen Mason
Joan Schmelz
Jaume Terradas
Ignacio Ugarte-Urra, Chair
Harry Warren 

Local Organizing Committee:
José Luis Ballester, Chair
Ramón Oliver
Iñigo Arregui
Jaume Terradas
Antonio Díaz
Marc Carbonell
Samuel Rial

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