[Loops] LIst of Participants and Pictures of Coronal Loops V

Jose Luis ballester dfsjlb0 at uib.es
Mon Jul 4 09:10:11 MDT 2011

The list of participants in Coronal Loops V has been updated in the website: www.loops2011.org. Also, the pictures of the meeting can be found at http://gallery.me.com/inigo.arregui/100490.

Dr. J. L. Ballester
Departament de Física
Universitat Illes Balears
E-07122 Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
phone: 34 971 173228
Fax: 34 971 173426
joseluis.ballester at uib.es
dfsjlb0 at uib.es
jlballester at me.com

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