[Loops] new preprint on cool emission in the AIA bands

Giulio Del Zanna G.Del-Zanna at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Fri Sep 9 10:03:53 MDT 2011

Dear colleagues,

here is a link to a preprint that discusses various
(important) issues related to the interpretation of AIA data:


Those of you that were present at the excellent Mallorca meeting might recall
the issues we raised there. The paper, which follows on
from O'Dwyer et al.,  contains more.

I encourage all to follow the example in the Appendix to calculate
your own AIA responses using CHIANTI. We will soon release v.7,
but do not expect huge differences.
We are working to try and improve the atomic data for AIA, more to come.

best wishes,
                    Giulio Del Zanna

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