[Loops] new preprint on Hinode/EIS lines

Giulio Del Zanna G.Del-Zanna at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Wed Sep 14 13:33:52 MDT 2011

Dear all, those of you at the last loop meeting will recall
that in many instances I raised the issue that many lines
in the EIS spectra are blended/unidentified.

Here is a link to a preprint with a detailed list of lines
and identifications:


this paper only deals with coronal lines. It also includes new
elemental abundance measurements.
Together with


where a list of purely `cool' TR lines is given, it
provides a fairly complete line list, if one excludes high-density,
high-temperature (flare) plasmas, or weak lines.

                    Giulio Del Zanna

*                   STFC Advanced Fellow                    *
* Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics *
*              CMS,  University of Cambridge                *
*           Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA  UK        *
*           E.mail: GDelZanna at spd.aas.org                   *

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