[Loops] Forward modeling of emission in SDO/AIA passbands from dynamic 3D simulations

Klimchuk, James A. (GSFC-6710) james.a.klimchuk at nasa.gov
Wed Sep 28 13:12:56 MDT 2011

Sorry, I didn't notice that I was replying to the listserve.

From: Klimchuk, James A. (GSFC-6710)
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:10 PM
To: 'A mailing list for scientists involved in the observation and modeling of solar loop structures'
Subject: RE: [Loops] Forward modeling of emission in SDO/AIA passbands from dynamic 3D simulations

Hi again!  I visited Spiros in Ioannina after the Rhodes meeting.  (Did I already tell you this?)  Toured the region for three days, which was great!  Due the air traffic controllers pseudo-strike, I missed my connection on the way home and had to spend the night in Frankfurt.   It wasn't so bad, though.  Lufthansa put me up in a reasonable hotel and fed me a nice dinner!  Any glitches on your trip home?


From: loops-bounces at solar.physics.montana.edu [mailto:loops-bounces at solar.physics.montana.edu] On Behalf Of Ineke De Moortel
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 3:19 PM
To: A mailing list for scientists involved in the observation and modeling of solar loop structures
Subject: Re: [Loops] Forward modeling of emission in SDO/AIA passbands from dynamic 3D simulations


didn't get a chance to say goodbye anymore last week. Hope you had a good trip back.

See you soon
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Paola Testa <ptesta at cfa.harvard.edu<mailto:ptesta at cfa.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Hello all,

here is a link to a preprint of a paper, accepted for publication on ApJ, that
is also discussing issues related to the interpretation of AIA observations:



On 9/9/11 12:03 PM, Giulio Del Zanna wrote:

Dear colleagues,

here is a link to a preprint that discusses various
(important) issues related to the interpretation of AIA data:


Those of you that were present at the excellent Mallorca meeting might recall
the issues we raised there. The paper, which follows on
from O'Dwyer et al.,  contains more.

I encourage all to follow the example in the Appendix to calculate
your own AIA responses using CHIANTI. We will soon release v.7,
but do not expect huge differences.
We are working to try and improve the atomic data for AIA, more to come.

best wishes,

Loops mailing list
Loops at solar.physics.montana.edu<mailto:Loops at solar.physics.montana.edu>

Dr Ineke De Moortel
Royal Society University Research Fellow
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of St. Andrews
North Haugh, St. Andrews            tel: (44) 1334 463757
Fife, KY16 9SS                           fax: (44) 1334 463748
Scotland                                     e-mail: ineke at mcs.st-and.ac.uk<mailto:ineke at mcs.st-and.ac.uk>

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532

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