[Loops] new preprints on NLFFF magentic field modeling of STEREO loops

Markus J. Aschwanden aschwanden at lmsal.com
Wed Jul 11 15:11:39 MDT 2012

Dear All,

If you are interested in magnetic modeling of coronal loops, here some new preprints.

Share and enjoy,

Aschwanden,M.J. 2012,  Solar Physics,  (in press)
A nonlinear force-free magnetic field approximation suitable for 
fast forward-fitting to coronal loops. I. Theory

Aschwanden,M.J. and Malanushenko,A. 2012, Solar Physics (in press)
A nonlinear force-free magnetic field approximation suitable for 
fast forward-fitting to coronal loops. II. Numeric Code and Tests

Aschwanden,M.J., Wuelser,J.-P., Nitta,N.V., Lemen, J.R., Schrijver, C.J., DeRosa, M., and 
Malanushenko, A. 2012, The Astrophysical Journal, (in press)
First 3D Reconstructions of Coronal Loops with the STEREO A and B Spacecraft: 
IV. Magnetic Field Modeling with Twisted Force-Free Fields

Aschwanden,M.J., Wuelser, J.P., Nitta, N.V., and Lemen, J.R. 2012, Solar Physics (in press)
Solar Stereoscopy with STEREO/EUVI A and B spacecraft from small (6 deg) 
to large (170 deg) spacecraft separation angles

Dr. Markus J. Aschwanden
Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory
Lockheed Martin Advanced Techology Center
Org. ADBS, Bldg. 252
3251 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
Phone: 650-424-4001, FAX: 650-424-3994
URL: http://www.lmsal.com/~aschwand/
e-mail: aschwanden at lmsal.com

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