[Loops] type II spicule paper

Dana Longcope dana at solar.physics.montana.edu
Tue Jul 31 09:27:25 MDT 2012

Stephen Anderson did a very thorough analysis of how Coulomb collisions affect the model.



Dana Longcope    |     Dept. of Physics
 Professor               |     Montana State University
 (406) 994-7851    |     Bozeman, MT 59717
         dana at solar.physics.montana.edu

On Jul 31, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Petrus Martens wrote:

>>     Do you mean velocity filtration, where the corona is simply particles from the
> tail of the chromospheric distribution function?  That theory has been largely discredited.
> That's news to me.  Do you have a reference?
> Piet
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