[Loops] type II spicule paper

Charles C. Kankelborg kankel at solar.physics.montana.edu
Wed Aug 1 15:14:08 MDT 2012

Interesting movies Phil. Does Hinode H-alpha also see super-Alfvenic  
apparent motions in spicules?


On 2012 Jul 31, , at 7:27 PM, Philip Judge wrote:

> I think this community ought to be made aware that
> there is a more fundamental issue at stake
> regarding chromospheric (and coronal) fine structure
> in general:
> What is the relationship between the magnetic
> field and the plasma?
> http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012ApJ...755L..11J
> The Sun will eventually decide what is going on
> if we can get the right observational clues.
> Perhaps the decadal survey will recognize
> the urgent need to measure magnetism throughout
> the solar atmosphere, since simulations cannot
> be expected to answer this question anytime soon.
> Phil
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Charles Kankelborg  AC7NY |   Yet Lord restore thine image, heare
260C EPS Building         |         my call:
Physics Department        |   And though my hard heart scarce to thee
Montana State University  |         can grone,
Bozeman, MT 59717         |   Remember that thou once didst write
Phone: 406-994-7853       |         on stone.
FAX:   406-994-4452       |     --George Herbert, The Sinner

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