[Loops] Workshop of Interest

VIALL-KEPKO, NICHOLEEN M. (GSFC-6710) nicholeen.m.viall at nasa.gov
Tue Aug 21 06:40:49 MDT 2012

Dear Loop Enthusiasts,

There is a workshop coming up that will be of interest to many of you Nov 27-Dec 2nd: Solar in Sonoma, Tracing the Connections in Solar Eruptive Events. For those attending AGU, this workshop runs the 5 days before AGU. The abstract and early registration deadline are September 14th, and the workshop information can all be found here http://hessi.ssl.berkeley.edu/petaluma/index.shtml. In particular to this community, Iain and I are leading a working group on possible connections between microflares and nanoflares (see description below), and encourage your participation.

We hope to see many of you there!


Nicholeen Viall
Code 671
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Email: Nicholeen.M.Viall at nasa.gov<https://mail02.ndc.nasa.gov/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>
Phone: 301-286-4054

'Working Group 7: Microflares and Nanoflares
Group Leaders: Iain Hannah, Nicki Viall
Flaring energy release occurs over a vast range of scales in the solar atmosphere. The largest X-Class flares down to microflares (A, B-Class) are exclusively active region phenomena and demonstrate similar characteristics of particle acceleration and plasma heating. One can easily envisage that energetically smaller flares beyond the current observational limits also exist due to smaller scale magnetic reconnection events. Indeed, theories to explain certain observational signatures of heating throughout the corona involve such so-called 'nanoflare' events. The power law frequency distribution of flares suggests that there are common features over all energy scales that could also extend to nanoflares. However, unlike microflares and larger flares, nanoflares are not directly observable with current observations, so the question remains: is it accurate to extrapolate the physical features of large flares down to those of nanoflares? What can we learn from such extrapolations, given that the power law distributions are subject to different bias effects and have unknown cut-offs? In this working group we welcome contributions from both observational and theoretical/numerical studies of microflares and nanoflares as well as possible relationships between them.

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