[Loops] Coronal Loops Workshop 6

Susanna Parenti s.parenti at oma.be
Tue Nov 27 06:04:51 MST 2012

Dear all,
   I'm happy to send you the first announcement for the next CLW6.
Take note of the date, and see you all there!



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Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the sixth Coronal Loops Workshop to be held in Floréal Club, La Roche-en-Ardenne,  Belgium, from the 25 to 28 of June 2013 and organized by the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence/Royal Observatory of Belgium. 
The loops workshops are a series of highly focused meetings dealing with the observation and modeling of magnetically confined plasma in active regions.

This meeting will cover the following topics: 
1. Energy release in the corona: frequency and magnitude of events.  
2. Diagnostic tools: DEMs/EM, Doppler-shifts, hot plasma, flows and lines profile, importance of energetic particles, filling factor, etc.
3. Connection of the different layers of the atmosphere.
4. Heating and high spatial resolution: what we have and what we really need.

A few review talks will introduce these topics, highlighting recent progress and unresolved questions. Both observational and theoretical aspects will be covered during each session by contributed talks. 
The workshop's main goal is to encourage discussion among the participants. For this reason the number of talks will be limited, while the poster sessions will be long enough to allow time to view and discuss the others participants' work.

For further information check our web site at: http://www.stce.be/coronalloops/

Scientific Organizing Committee:

Peter Cargill, UK 
Susanna Parenti (chair), Be 
Hardi Peter , De
Fabio Reale , It
Paola Testa,  USA
Ignacio Ugarte-Urra, USA 
Nicholeen M. Viall, USA

Local Organizing Commitee :   clw6 at oma.be 

Olivier Boulvin
Bram Bourgoignie
Laurent Dolla 
Christophe Marqué
Anne Vandersyppe
Petra Vanlommel
Andrea Verdini 
Matt J West 
Sarah Willems
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