[Loops] Magnetic modeling of coronal loops with and without stereoscopy

Markus J. Aschwanden aschwanden at lmsal.com
Mon Dec 10 08:49:59 MST 2012

Dear loop modeler,

Here a new paper (just accepted for publication in ApJ) on
nonlinear force-free magnetic field fitting to coronal loops
WITH and WITHOUT stereoscopy. This technique will make
magnetic modeling of coronal loops much easier. All you need
is just a line-of-sight magnetogram and a high-resolution EUV image.
The code will be made available in SSW in near future after more testing.

Share and enjoy,

Aschwanden,M.J. 2013, The Astrophysical Journal, ... (in press)
Nonlinear force-free magnetic field fitting to coronal loops with and without stereoscopcy

Dr. Markus J. Aschwanden
Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory
Lockheed Martin Advanced Techology Center
Org. ADBS, Bldg. 252
3251 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
Phone: 650-424-4001, FAX: 650-424-3994
URL: http://www.lmsal.com/~aschwand/
e-mail: aschwanden at lmsal.com

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