[Loops] GAIA-DEM : A new database providing Quick look AIA/SDO DEM maps at a 6 hours cadence

Chloé Guennou chloe.guennou at ias.u-psud.fr
Tue Feb 19 07:17:11 MST 2013

MEDOC, the space solar data center at Orsay (www.medoc-ias.u-psud.fr) is 
now providing a database of synoptic DEM maps, obtained using the 
SDO/AIA data. This interface has the advantage of being simple, 
intuitive, very stable and fast.

The purpose of the Gaussian AIA DEm Maps (GAIA-DEM) database is to 
provide synoptic DEM inversions of the AIA data. The Gaussian 
approximation is used to describe the main features of the true DEM by 
its first moments.

The data are accessible via an easy to use web interface 
(http://medoc-dem.ias.u-psud.fr) that allows users to request DEM maps 
by selecting a date range, at a sampling range of 6 hours (3 hours 
soon!). For each date, maps of the three Gaussian fit parameters 
(central temperature, total emission measure and thermal width) and of 
the chi squared are available in FITS format (see the user manual online 
for a detailed description of each map). Users can preview the maps 
before downloading them. In addition, users can also display the initial 
SDO/AIA images, using the Helioviewer tool.

This web interface was build using Sitools2, a tool developed by CNES, 
the french space agency, and supports most browsers (Firefox, Chrome and 
Safari but NOT Internet Explorer).

We encourage everyone in Europe and beyond to use this new service!

C. Guennou, F. Auchère, K. Bocchialini, E. Soubrié, (IAS), S. Parenti 
(ROB), P. Alingery (ITTVIS), J.C Malappert (CNES), AKKA Technologies

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