[Loops] Coronal Loops Workshop VI - abstract submission deadline

Ineke De Moortel ineke at mcs.st-and.ac.uk
Wed Apr 17 15:20:24 MDT 2013

Hi Susanna

just quickly checking - do you expect an abstract from me for the invited
talk or not?


On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Susanna Parenti <s.parenti at oma.be> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,****
> We remind you that the abstract submission deadline for the 6th Coronal
> Loops Workshop is April 30 2013.
> We encourage people to submit their abstract via the on-line form at
> http://www.stce.be/coronalloops/.
> The workshop to be held in Floréal Club, La Roche-en-Ardenne,  Belgium,
> from the 25 to 27 of June 2013. ****
> Considering the travel restrictions imposed to the US colleagues, we are
> forced to look for a possible solution to allow them to attend the meeting
> remotely. However, such a solution is not guaranteed yet. Updated will be
> announced later on the workshop webpage. ****
> **
> **
> Susanna Parenti on behalf of the SOC****
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Dr Ineke De Moortel
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Reader in Applied Mathematics
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of St. Andrews
North Haugh, St. Andrews            tel: (44) 1334 463757
Fife, KY16 9SS                           fax: (44) 1334 463748
Scotland                                     e-mail: ineke at mcs.st-and.ac.uk

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No
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