[Loops] Two new papers

Stephen Bradshaw sb28 at rice.edu
Fri May 24 10:28:41 MDT 2013

Hello everyone,


Here are two new papers by Peter Cargill and me that may be of interest to


The first "The influence of numerical resolution on coronal density in
hydrodynamic models of impulsive heating" takes what we believe to be a
long-overdue look at the issues surrounding the question of grid resolution
in numerical models and some of the physical implications of under-resolving
particular regions of the solar atmosphere. The paper has already been
published by ApJ and can be obtained here:


The second "The Cooling of Coronal Plasmas. iv: Catastrophic Cooling of
Loops" is a continuation of our series on the relevant cooling processes in
the solar atmosphere. Here we provide a physical explanation of the onset of
catastrophic cooling, which may provide an explanation for the relatively
weak active region emission detected in wavelength channels sensitive to
lower temperature lines. The manuscript has been accepted for publication by
ApJ and is available on astro-ph:


Hope to see many of you in Montana!







Dr Stephen J. Bradshaw

(Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy)


Department of Physics and Astronomy, MS-108,

Rice University,

6100 Main Street,


TX 77005,



Tel: +1 713 348 4045

Email: stephen.bradshaw at rice.edu


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