[Loops] Loops7

Helen E. Mason hm11 at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Thu Sep 18 07:36:10 MDT 2014

We are pleased to announce that

'Loops7: Heating of the Magnetically Closed Corona'

will be held 21-23 July 2015 at the Center for Mathematical Science,
University of Cambridge, UK (still UK at least for today!)

The SOC members are:

Caroline Alexander
Inigo Arregui
Stephen Bradshaw
David Brooks
Leon Golub
Viggo Hansteen
Helen Mason (chair)
Susanna Parenti (Chair of Loops6 SOC)

The Chair of the LOC is Giulio Del Zanna.

Amy is the Chair of the Loops Steering Committee.

We look forward to welcoming you in Cambridge. Please note
that we intend this meeting to be well focussed and to be a
discussion meeting, so abstracts for talks or posters which
do not directly relate to the topic, will not be accepted.

Helen (Mason)
Chair of SOC

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