[Loops] Second announcement - 2nd SOLARNET MEETING: Solar and stellar magnetic activity

Fabio Reale reale at astropa.unipa.it
Fri Oct 10 08:16:01 MDT 2014

Solar and stellar magnetic activity

Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa, Via dei Cartari, 18 Palermo
Palermo, 2 - 5 February 2015

Second Announcement
The second SOLARNET meeting on Solar Physics will take place in Palermo, at the Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa, from 2nd to 5th February 2015. This is the second meeting in the framework of the EU-FP7 funded project SOLARNET (Capacities Program, Grant Agreement number 312495).  
The meeting has the purpose to put in contact different solar physics communities and researchers involved in different fields and to foster collaborations between ground and space solar projects, in order to 
- provide a forum to discuss the use of current and future observational solar facilities, and how to optimise their scientific returns;
- identify the potentially paradigm-shifting observations that will become possible with the next generation ground - and space-based solar telescopes and their advanced instrumentation;
-  create synergies between research programs at different wavelength bands.
Specific aims of this meeting are to review the current understanding of magnetic fields in the Sun and similar stars and to discuss future directions of research.

The scientific program includes the following topics: 
1) Global properties of the solar magnetic field; 
2) Solar dynamo and its applications to other stars; 
3) Solar differential rotation and meridional flow, stellar rotation; 
4) Solar and stellar magnetic fields; 
5) Activity and stellar properties; 
6) Stellar activity derived from high accuracy photometry; 
7) Sources of spectral and total solar irradiance variations.

and two splinter sessions:
S1) Effect of magnetic activity and internal rotation on solar and stellar pulsations
S2) Synergies between solar and stellar research

Meeting website: http://www.astropa.unipa.it/Solarnet2015/Solarnet2015.html

There you can find a preliminary program, important dates, the abstract submission form, information about the registration, contacts, financial support, the venue and the social program.
Registrations will be accessible online by credit card in due corse.

November 30 - abstract submission deadline;
November 30 - grant request deadline;
December 31 - early registration deadline;
Meeting: Monday February 2, 9 a.m. - Thursday February 5, 5 p.m. ;
Welcome reception: Sunday, February 1, 7 p.m.
Conference dinner: Wednesday, February 4, 8 p.m.

Registration fee: The registration fee is eu. 250 if paid no later than December 31, Eu. 300 thereafter. This includes the welcome reception, the conference dinner and coffee breaks. For the registration and payment you will be redirected to a secure website. Credit cards are accepted. 

Financial support: Some grants will be available to reduce or waive the registration fee, mainly for young researchers. Applicants must submit an abstract for a talk or a poster and the applications will selected by the SOC depending on the abstract and on the relevance to the meeting topics. Applications should be sent to daric at astropa.inaf.it no later than November 30.

Fabio Reale

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