[Loops] Loops VII - 2nd announcement

Helen E. Mason hm11 at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Tue Jan 27 12:15:28 MST 2015

Coronal Loop Workshop VII - Heating of the Magnetically Closed Corona
DAMTP, CMS, University of Cambridge, 21-23 July 2015


Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce that the online registration and abstract submission 
for the 7th Coronal Loops Workshop to be held at the Centre for Mathematical 
Science, University of Cambridge, from 21-23 July 2015 will be open on February 
4th. The workshop is expected to extend over three full days. A reception will 
take place on the evening of Monday, 20th July. A conference dinner will be 
held at St Edmund's College on Wednesday 22nd July.

A limited amount of funds may be available to support students and early 
post-docs. Requests for financial support should be made via the comments 
section when submitting an abstract.

Conference website: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/astro/cl7/index.html

Registration and Deadlines:

* All abstracts due by 17 Apr 2015

* Financial support request (via abstract submission form) deadline: 17 Apr 2015

* Registration deadline: 1 June 2015 (100 GBP),reduced for students (50 GBP).

After this deadline please email loopworkshop at damtp.cam.ac.uk to check 
availability to attend this workshop. The SOC intends to limit the number of 
participants to ensure focused discussions.


We have made a block booking of 60 en-suite rooms at Gonville and Caius 
college, a few minutes walking distance from the conference location. Bookings 
for these rooms can be made via the registration form on the conference 
website. The cost is 66 GBP per night (including breakfast). The rooms are 
basic student-type accommodation and will be allocated on a first come first 
served basis.

Hotels are available in the area (see links on the conference website), but we 
strongly advise early booking, since Cambridge gets very busy in the 
summertime, and it may not be possible to find a room if you leave it too late. 
Hotels should be booked directly, not via the conference organisers.

Scientific Programme

The loops workshops are a series of highly focused workshops dealing with the 
observation and modeling of magnetically confined plasma in active regions. The 
programme and invited speakers are as follows:

Session 1 - Coronal Heating: Global Active Region Models and Mechanisms
- Heating mechanisms (reconnection vs waves vs spicules)
Mahboubeh Asgari-Targhi
- Global AR models (visualizations etc.)
Ignaki Ugarte-Urra
- Beyond hydro or MHD modeling
Tony Arber

Session 2 - Transition Region-Corona Connection
- Observations (IRIS, Hi-C, AIA, CRISP etc) vs theory; chromosphere
Bart De Pontieu
- Classical TR vs low lying cool loops
Pia Zacharis
- Role of spicules
Tiago Pereira

Session 3 - Fine Scale Structure and Non-equilibrium Processes
- Fine-scale structure of loops, and/or braiding (observations vs modeling)
Patrick Antolin
- Current sheets and turbulence
Bruno Coppi
- Diagnostics - developments and limitations
Peter Young
- Advances in treating non-equilibrium processes
Jaroslav Dudik

Session 4 - Wrap up session
- What doesn't match up between theory and observations?
Philippa Browning and Harry Warren

The review talks will introduce these topics, highlighting recent progress and 
unresolved questions. Both observational and theoretical aspects will be 
covered during each session by contributed talks and discussion.

The workshop's main goal is to encourage discussion among the participants. For 
this reason the number of talks will be limited, while the poster sessions will 
be long enough to allow time to view and discuss the others participants' work. 
We strongly encourage young researchers to participate.

PLEASE NOTE: Only abstracts (and registrations of participants) directly 
relevant to the main focus of the workshop will be accepted by the SOC.

For further information please check the web site:


Scientific Organising Committee

     Helen Mason (chair)
     Caroline Alexander
     Inigo Arregui
     Stephen Bradshaw
     David Brooks
     Leon Golub
     Viggo Hansteen
     Susanna Parenti

Local Organising Committee

     Giulio Del Zanna (Chair)
     Helen Mason
     Andrew Hillier
     Vanessa Polito
     Stephen Bradshaw
     Jaroslav Dudik
     Durgesh Tripathi
     Virginia Mullins (Administrative Assistant)


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