[Loops] Loops7, 21-23 July, 2015

Helen E. Mason hm11 at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Thu Apr 9 05:24:41 MDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,

I remind you that the registration date for abstracts for Loops7 is
17th April 2015.

Please see the Loops7 website for details:

Basic accommodation has been reserved at a college. If you wish to stay in
a hotel, information is provided on the website, but we strongly recommend
that you make a reservation as soon as possible, since hotels get very
busy in the summer months.

Please note that we do have some funding support available for young 
researchers from the USA and Europe. A case should be made online
when submitting an abstract (deadline 17th April).

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Cambridge.

Best wishes,


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