[Loops] Nominations for the Loops Steering Committee

WINEBARGER, AMY R. (MSFC-ZP13) amy.r.winebarger at nasa.gov
Mon Aug 3 13:04:44 MDT 2015

Hi All,

I am looking for nominations (self or otherwise) to the loops steering committee.  It is a 6 year appointment and it isn’t too much work.  The main task of the committee is to determine the location of the loops workshops and appoint the SOC for each workshop. If you would like to be on the SC or would like to nominate someone else, please let me know by Friday, August 7.


Dr. Amy R. Winebarger
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
ZP 13
Huntsville, AL 35812
Work : 256-961-7509
Fax : 256-961-7216
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