[Loops] New paper: Non-equilibrium ionization by a periodic electron beam. I. Synthetic coronal spectra and implications for interpretation of observations

J. Dudík jaroslav.dudik at asu.cas.cz
Wed Mar 16 12:22:53 MDT 2016

Dear all,

attached please find a link for our new paper
"Non-equilibrium ionization by a periodic electron beam
I. Synthetic coronal spectra and implications for interpretation of 
by E Dzifcakova, J Dudik, and S Mackovjak


We investigate the effects of a periodic high-energy electron beam on 
the synthetic spectra of coronal Fe ions.
Initially, the coronal plasma is assumed to be Maxwellian with a 
temperature of 1 MK. The high-energy beam, described
by a κ-distribution, is then switched on every period P for the duration 
of P/2. The periods are on the order of several tens of seconds, similar 
to exposure times or cadences of space-borne spectrometers. Ionization, 
recombination, and excitation rates for the respective distributions are 
used to calculate the resulting non-equilibrium ionization state of Fe 
and the instantaneous and period-averaged synthetic spectra.
Under the presence of the periodic electron beam, the plasma is out of 
ionization equilibrium at all times. The resulting spec-
tra averaged over one period are almost always multithermal if 
interpreted in terms of ionization equilibrium for either a Maxwellian 
or a κ-distribution. Exceptions occur, however; the EM-loci curves 
appear to have a nearly isothermal crossing-point for some values of κ_s 
. The instantaneous spectra show fast changes in intensities of some 
lines, especially those formed outside of the peak of the respective 
EM(T ) distributions if the ionization equilibrium is assumed.

My best regards,

Dr Jaroslav Dudík
research scientist
Astronomical Institute
Czech Academy of Sciences
Fricova 298
251 65 Ondrejov, Czech Republic
tel. 00420 323 620 244

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