[Loops] Yet Another DEM Paper!

Warren, Harry harry.warren at nrl.navy.mil
Thu Oct 20 04:07:09 MDT 2016

I know that the world doesn't really need another paper on a DEM method, but I've written one anyway. 

I bring this psychological peculiarity to your attention only because along the way I've learned two very interesting things: [1] a Bayesian framework is useful for keeping a model with many degrees of freedom well behaved, and [2] there is a relatively new ensemble MCMC sampling technique that makes exploring high dimensional spaces possible. This method has few adjustable parameters and parallelizes well.

Best wishes,


Our paper is available on arXiv. It hasn't been submitted yet and comments are welcome.

Some papers on the sampling method are available here:
  http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013PASP..125..306F [795 citations!]

You can find papers and slides on sparse Bayesian modeling here:

// Harry P. Warren  
// Naval Research Laboratory
// Code 7681                
// Washington, DC 20375     

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