[Loops] A new resource for distributing and supporting EBTEL

Stephen Bradshaw stephen.bradshaw at rice.edu
Thu Mar 2 11:53:44 MST 2017


Dear all,


Please find below an announcement concerning the EBTEL field-line averaged
hydrodynamics code on behalf of Peter Cargill, Jim Klimchuk, Will Barnes,
and myself. We hope that using an online repository to distribute and
support the code makes it more readily accessible to the community and more
convenient when requesting help, and enables us to be more responsive when
issues and bugs, etc., are reported.


Best wishes,






The official version of EBTEL is now hosted on GitHub. You can find the code
here <https://github.com/rice-solar-physics/EBTEL> . This version includes
the updates to the code discussed in Cargill et al. (2012a)
<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012ApJ...752..161C> . The details of the
original model are discussed in Klimchuk et al. (2008)
<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008ApJ...682.1351K> . Any and all updates to
the model will be distributed via GitHub. Any version of the EBTEL code not
matching this version should not be regarded as an official version of
EBTEL. Bugs may be reported via the issue tracker
<https://github.com/rice-solar-physics/EBTEL/issues> . More information can
be found in the accompanying README and the aforementioned papers. 


Additionally, ebtel++, a two-fluid version of EBTEL implemented in C++,
offers several advantages over the original EBTEL model, including a
significant speedup in compute time. You can find the code here
<https://github.com/rice-solar-physics/ebtelPlusPlus>  and extensive
documentation and examples here
<http://rice-solar-physics.github.io/ebtelPlusPlus/> . Notably, ebtel++
treats the electron and ion fluids separately, allowing for preferential
heating and interaction (via Coulomb collisions) between the two species.
ebtel++ also implements a more robust adaptive solver to ensure that the
thermal conduction timescale is properly resolved. An additional correction
during the conductive phase is also implemented. These improvements are
discussed in detail in Barnes et al. (2016)
<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016ApJ...829...31B> . Bugs may be reported
via the issue tracker
<https://github.com/rice-solar-physics/ebtelPlusPlus/issues> . Any and all
updates to ebtel++ will be posted to the GitHub repository.




Dr. Stephen J. Bradshaw

(Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy)


Department of Physics and Astronomy, MS 108,

Rice University,

6100 Main Street,


TX 77005,



Tel: +1 713 348 4045

Email: stephen.bradshaw at rice.edu

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