[Loops] Discovery of periodic coronal rain

Frédéric Auchère frederic.auchere at ias.u-psud.fr
Wed Mar 7 10:15:31 MST 2018

Dear loop enthusiasts,

I've presented at the last coronal loops workshop the discovery of 
periodic coronal rain associated with periodic EUV pulsations of coronal 
For those of you interested, the corresponding paper has now been 
published in ApJ:



These new observations demonstrate that coronal rain and EUV pulsations 
are simply two manifestations of the same physical process: evaporation 
/ condensation cycles resulting from a state of thermal nonequilibrium 
induced by quasi-constant and stratified heating. This confirms Clara's 
initial conclusions on the nature of these long-period EUV pulsations 
(Froment et al. 2015, 2017).

Share & enjoy,


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