[Loops] WARNING people using Loops Workshop contact details to request money

Jose Luis Ballester Mortes joseluis.ballester at uib.es
Fri Nov 22 06:33:09 MST 2019

Dear all,

 related with the issue reported in the email  "[Loops] WARNING people using Loops Workshop contact details
	to	request money”, we have removed all the contact details from the Fifth Coronal Loops webpage. Regards

Prof. J. L. Ballester
Departament de Física & IAC3-UIB
Universitat Illes Balears
E-07122 Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
phone: 34 971 172832
Fax: 34 971 173426
joseluis.ballester at uib.es
directorIAC3 at uib.es

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