[Loops] Poll for the next Coronal Loops Workshop

Susanna Parenti IAS susanna.parenti at ias.u-psud.fr
Mon Feb 7 02:14:14 MST 2022

Dear all,

As some of you may know, we are organizing the next Coronal Loops 
Workshop in Paris. We have started last year, but we had to postpone it 
to 2022 due to the pandemic situation.

Following the philosophy of these workshops, we want to have an on-site 
meeting only. Even if it was not advertised yet, we have a slot planned 
for 28 June – 1 July 2022. Although the pandemic situation is still 
uncertain, these dates are approaching and we need to decide now whether 
we keep these dates or postpone the workshop again (maybe October 2022 
or June 2023).

In order to decide what the best option is, we need to have an idea 
about how many of you are ready to travel to France for the occasion, if 
the workshop is held at the end of June 2022. Could you then please fill 
this one-question poll?


This, of course, does not commit you to attend the meeting, we are aware 
that the situation can still evolve. But it will certainly help us to 
understand if this is feasible. You can use the “Comments” field of the 
poll to tell us more.

Many thanks,

Susanna Parenti and the Coronal Loops Workshop LOC

Dr. Susanna PARENTI
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS)
Bat. 121, Université Paris Saclay,
91405 Orsay Cedex, France
susanna.parenti at ias.u-psud.fr
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