[Loops] Coronal Loops Workshop 10

Susanna Parenti IAS susanna.parenti at ias.u-psud.fr
Wed Mar 2 14:38:07 MST 2022

Dear all,

  Following the response to the poll sent to this mailing-list a few 
weeks ago, we have decided to proceed with the organization of the 10th 
Coronal Loops Workshop. We can now confirm its dates, from 28 June to 01 
July 2022, and the venue, Cité Internationale Universitaire in Paris. 
The meeting in 2022 will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series, 
which was inaugurated in Orsay in 2002.
Some information about the venue can already be found at 
Further details will be released soon, and registration should be opened 
in the coming month.


Susanna Parenti

Dr. Susanna PARENTI
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS)
Bat. 121, Université Paris Saclay,
91405 Orsay Cedex, France
susanna.parenti at ias.u-psud.fr

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