[Loops] Pictures of previous loops workshops

Eric Buchlin eric.buchlin at ias.u-psud.fr
Tue May 24 07:20:58 MDT 2022

Dear all,

As you may recall, this year we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of 
the Coronal Loop Workshop. We would like to make a call to this 
community to recover 'historical' pictures of these fantastic weeks we 
spent together. Please look in your drawers and search for any hidden 
memory of the meetings. These will complement what we can already 
recover from the still active webpage of the past meetings.

Please send them before June 10 either to loops10 at sciencesconf.org (if 
not too big), or using a file sharing service, or by uploading them to 
https://owncloud.ias.u-psud.fr/index.php/s/r7t2ogqnJeZoD3g . Please 
contact us in case of any issue.

Best regards,


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