[Loops] Loop cross sections

Klimchuk, James A. (GSFC-6710) james.a.klimchuk at nasa.gov
Thu Feb 1 10:03:58 MST 2024

Dear friends,

You might be interested in the attached paper by Vadim Uritsky and me concerning the shapes of loop cross sections. Vadim compared intensity traces across loops in real images from Hi-C and synthetic images generated with a variety of assumed cross-sectional shapes. By applying several statistical measures, we concluded that the Hi-C loops tend to be more "tube like" (roughly circular cross sections) than ribbon like or veil like. This is consistent with the findings of two other Hi-C observational papers (Klimchuk & DeForest, 2020, ApJ, 900, 167; Williams, Walsh, & Morgan, 2021, ApJ, 919, 47) and a recent paper by Sudip Mandal and colleagues using EUI/SolO data, also attached.


James A. Klimchuk (he/him)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Lab, Code 671
Bldg. 21, Rm. 158
Greenbelt, MD  20771

Phone:  1-301-286-9060<tel:%28301%29%20286-9060>
Fax:      1-301-286-7194<tel:%28301%29%20286-7194>
E-mail:  James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov<mailto:James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov>
Homepage:  http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/bio/james.a.klimchuk<http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/index.cfm?fuseAction=people.jumpBio&&iPhonebookId=15844>

No endorsement by NASA is implied for any correspondence related to my official role in professional organizations.


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