[Loops] 11th Coronal Loops Workshop - Second announcement

Philip Judge judge at ucar.edu
Tue Feb 27 16:17:14 MST 2024

Dear Inigo et al.

this might be of interest to the group- I give a (final?) talk at HAO
tomorrow at 21:00 UT,
on "Why do we still have a coronal heating problem?"

This will be deliberately a deep dive into the problem, and I think anyone
interested in coronal
physics ought to at least find out what is behind a new book coming out
March 22.


best wishes to all

On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 9:41 AM Iñigo Arregui <iarregui at iac.es> wrote:

> Dear all,
> please find below the second announcement of the 11th Coronal Loops
> Workshop.
> Kind regards,
> Iñigo
> 11th Coronal Loops Workshop - Second announcement
> The 11th Coronal Loops Workshop will be held from 25-28 June 2024 in the
> city of San Cristobal de La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain). The Coronal Loops
> Workshops are a series of highly focused biennial meetings, organized since
> 2002. They deal with the observation and modeling of magnetically confined
> solar plasma.
> In addition to discussions of recent progress in community driven topics
> that will be based on the abstracts submitted, this meeting will include
> sessions on three specific themes: coronal cooling, reconciling 1D vs 3D
> models, and high resolution observations.
> The confirmed invited speakers are: Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta (Max Planck
> Institute for Solar System Research), Petra Kohutova (Rosseland Center for
> Solar Physics), Paolo Pagano (Università di Palermo), Elena Petrova (KU
> Leuven), Jeffrey Reep (University of Hawaii), and Seray Sahin (University
> of Northumbria).
> The abstract submission (for talks and posters) and pre-registration will
> open on the 1st of March. We encourage graduate students and early-career
> postdocs to participate and present their research work. While abstracts
> are not required for participation, preference will be given to those who
> submit abstracts, in order to limit the number of participants to 75.
> The registration fee (350 EUR, TBC) includes the workshop, a welcome
> reception, coffee breaks, lunches from Tuesday to Thursday, and the
> conference dinner on Thursday.
> We are pleased to announce that a National Science Foundation (NSF)
> Conference Proposal was funded to support the travel costs of students and
> early career post-docs from different institutions across the US. Those
> with financial need and from under-represented groups in solar physics will
> be prioritized. Additional information on these NSF travel grants together
> with the eligibility criteria and requirements for applicants can be found
> on the workshop website.
> The LOC aims to offer a limited number of registration fee waivers, with
> preference for early career researchers.
> To apply for support or request further information, please send your
> request in an e-mail to the contact address below, with Subject including
> “[Fee waiver request]” or "[NSF support]", before 15 April 2024.
> Important dates
>  1 March 2024: pre-registration and abstract submission open
> 15 April 2024: abstract submission closes
>  1 May   2024: notification of acceptance of contributions and support
>  1 June  2024: deadline for payment of the registration fee
> Contact address: clw11 at iac.es.
> Workshop website: https://meetings.iac.es/clw11/
> Iñigo Arregui
> On behalf of the SOC and LOC
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Philip Judge       303-775-9863

Senior Scientist, HAO, NCAR http://people.hao.ucar.edu/judge/homepage/
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