[Loops] EIS AR Loops - Tripathi et al, 2009, ApJ

jean-claude vial jean-claude.vial at ias.u-psud.fr
Wed Jan 7 06:48:04 MST 2009

Meilleurs voeux pour 2009, pour le succes du hot channel et aussi plein 
d'autres choses.

Jean-François Hochedez a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I'd like the loop community to know that I still strive to embark a high
> resolution hot channel as part of the EUI instrument of Solar Orbiter. This
> is not easy as our overall mass budget has been reduced from 21kg to ~18kg.
> Yet, there are still a couple of tracks that allow holding on. The active
> support of some of you will play a role, and a presentation at the third
> S.O. workshop in Sorrento next May could be one element among other useful
> actions.
> Best wishes,
> Jean-François
> Jean-Francois Hochedez
> j-f.hochedez at sidc.be 
> Royal Observatory of Belgium
> Solar Physics Department
> Circular Avenue, 3. B1180 Brussels Belgium
> http://homepage.oma.be/hochedez/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: loops-bounces at mithra.physics.montana.edu
> [mailto:loops-bounces at mithra.physics.montana.edu] On Behalf Of
> H.E.Mason at damtp.cam.ac.uk
> Sent: mercredi 7 janvier 2009 10:28
> To: reale at astropa.unipa.it
> Cc: A mailing list for scientists involved in the observation and modeling
> ofsolar loop structures; loops at mithra.physics.montana.edu
> Subject: Re: [Loops] EIS AR Loops - Tripathi et al, 2009, ApJ
> Agreed Fabio,
> my sentiments exactly, and we definitely endorse higher spatial
> resolution observations across a broad temperature range.
> Best wishes,
> helen
> On Jan 6 2009, reale at astropa.unipa.it wrote:
>> I agree with Leon, but I also think that the paper only certifies that the
>> loops look fuzzier in hotter lines. There may be no real contradiction
>> with Leon's perspective. Of course, we all sustain Leon's new imager.
>> Ciao
>> Fabio
>>> Helen et al.,
>>> I can't let this go uncommented. Even though this paper was
>>> accepted (I know, I was the editor) I disagree with the conclusion
>>> that hot loops are fuzzier. Yes, that's what you see, but it is
>>> also explainable if the hot parts of the AR have many fine threads
>>> (unresolved at present resolution) with a large filling factor.
>>> That as the conclusion Joan and I came to from analyzing 284A
>>> data.
>>> Anyway, this won't be settled until we fly an imager with higher
>>> resolution. We're proposing one this year and I'm hoping we get
>>> the chance to clear this up, finally.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Leon
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