[Loops] loops and thermal nonequilibrium

Leon Golub golub at cfa.harvard.edu
Fri Dec 4 23:16:20 MST 2009


Amy and I addressed the issues of excess density, flat temperature 
profiles and large scale height about 10 years ago. Having flows of 
30-40 km/sec, as is observed in TRACE and now verified by EIS, solves 
these problems quite nicely. So there is a viable mechanism other than 


Klimchuk, James A. (GSFC-6710) wrote:
> Dear Loops Friends,
>     If you are interested, the attached paper shows that coronal loops 
> cannot be explained by thermal nonequilibrium.  The results appear to 
> rule out the widespread existence of coronal heating that is both highly 
> concentrated low in the corona and steady or quasi-steady (slowly 
> varying or impulsive with a rapid cadence).  Comments are welcomed.
> Best wishes,
> Jim
> ********************************************************************************
> James A. Klimchuk
> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
> Solar Physics Lab, Code 671
> Bldg. 21, Rm. 158
> Greenbelt, MD  20771
> Phone:  1-301-286-9060
> Fax:      1-301-286-7194
> E-mail:  James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov <mailto:James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov>
> Home page:  http://hsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/staff/bios/cs/James_Klimchuk.html
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