[Loops] loops and thermal nonequilibrium

Hugh Hudson hhudson at ssl.berkeley.edu
Mon Dec 7 11:55:23 MST 2009

Another geometrical point is that the line-of-sight column density  
increases at loop top if you look at it out-of-plane at all. And then  
another geometrical effect is that if it is not a planar loop, then  
that twist can augment the line-of-sight effect. The twist,  
incidentally, can be present even in a potential field. The "loop top"  
and "above-the-loop-top" brightenings observed by SXT need to have  
these considerations.


On 7 Dec 2009, at 10:42, Craig DeForest wrote:

> Piet, Jim,
> Jim is of course right that unresolved structure makes the excess  
> density problem worse, though at this point I've lost track of just  
> how bad it really is.
> In fact, in that 2007 paper I cited some of the discrepancies  
> between density-sensitive line pair spectral measurements of  
> density, and corresponding EUV measurements using relative  
> photometry - the discrepancies seem to go in the right direction  
> (i.e. that spectral diagnostics yield higher densities than one  
> would expect from simple EUV photometry).
> The whole point of the geometric argument I was making then is that  
> large bundles of active region threads expand much more rapidly than  
> the threads themselves, in current EUV images.   Assuming that the  
> image threads come from structures that expand at the same rate as  
> the bundle neatly solves the hydrostatic scale height problem.  It  
> is not necessary to assume that loop strands are expanding faster  
> than the body of the loop.
> Jim and Marcello published a very nice analysis indicating that (at  
> least) they're not being stupid, but IMHO there are still too many  
> uncertainties in instrument performance to know whether loop strands  
> are indeed unresolved and expanding rapidly. I haven't followed up  
> in the literature, because I think higher resolution (maybe from Hi- 
> C) is required to nail down that argument on one side or the other.   
> (I won't expand this note still further by elaborating).
> Best,
> Craig
> On Dec 7, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Klimchuk, James A. (GSFC-6710) wrote:
>> Hi Piet,
>>   Craig's nifty idea is a possible explanation for the larger-than- 
>> hydrostatic scale heights (although as you say, how can the  
>> unresolved strands expand faster than the loop), but unfortunately  
>> it does NOT explain the excess densities.  In fact, it makes the  
>> problem worse!  We find that warm loops are over dense when we use  
>> a filling factor of unity to get the density from the observed EM  
>> and loop diameter:  n = sqrt(EM/(df)).  Taking f<1 makes the loops  
>> even more over-dense.
>> Jim
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: loops-bounces at solar.physics.montana.edu [mailto:loops-
>>> bounces at solar.physics.montana.edu] On Behalf Of Petrus Martens
>>> Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 12:11 PM
>>> To: A mailing list for scientists involved in the observation and  
>>> modeling of
>>> solar loop structures
>>> Subject: Re: [Loops] loops and thermal nonequilibrium
>>> Gordon,
>>>   I agree with your comment.  In fact, it is fairly easily shown
>>> directly from the momentum equation that flows up to the sound speed
>>> increase the pressure scale height by at most a factor two, when  
>>> v~c_s,
>>> much less when v<c_s because the flow effect scales as (v/c_s)^2.
>>>   A really original solution as to why observed loops can be  
>>> overdense
>>> near their apexes was presented by Craig Deforest in 2007.  If the
>>> unresolved strands that make up the observed loop increase in cross-
>>> section from footpoints to apex an observer would conclude that the
>>> loop is overdense and has a scale height much larger than what  
>>> follows
>>> from the loop temperature.  In reality there is simply more emitting
>>> volume near the apex.  Of course one has to explain why strands  
>>> increase
>>> in cross-section, while the loops that they collectively form  
>>> appear not
>>> to, but Craig shows some nice images in his paper that seem to  
>>> support
>>> his suggestion.
>>>   There are ways to verify this from observations.
>>>   Cheers,
>>>   Piet
>>> Gordon Petrie wrote:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> In a basic model of steady, isothermal hydrodynamic flow
>>>> (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2006ApJ...649.1078P), steady flows  
>>>> can
>>>> only affect hydrostatic scale heights under exceptional conditions.
>>>> These states have fast flows approaching the sound speed and form a
>>>> small part of the solution space right next to unphysical regimes  
>>>> with
>>>> density inversions.  If significantly many loops really are of this
>>>> kind, it would be an interesting problem explaining why.  On the  
>>>> other
>>>> hand, it's clear from rho*V*A why steady flows decrease densities.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Gordon
>>>> On Mon, 07 Dec 2009 09:11:07 -0500
>>>> Leon Golub <golub at head.cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Jim,
>>>>> We were indeed modelling the long, relatively faint loops seen  
>>>>> in the
>>>>> plage regions surrounding sunspots, which are exactly where EIS is
>>>>> seeing the flows. It's been known for a long time (the Palermo  
>>>>> people
>>>>> did such modelling 20 years ago) that flows in coronal loops  
>>>>> drop the
>>>>> density ("When you start a flow going, the loop disappears.") or
>>>>> alternatively, if you see the loop it means the density is  
>>>>> enhanced.
>>>>> I'm not sure why your modelling failed, but we were able to  
>>>>> reproduce
>>>>> the scale height quite well. Having the flow (in either direction)
>>>>> extends the emission scale height quite a bit beyond the  
>>>>> hydrostatic
>>>>> value.
>>>>> As you know, the AIA on SDO will have far more extensive  
>>>>> temperature
>>>>> coverage than TRACE does. There is a puzzle right now in that  
>>>>> EIS sees
>>>>> the flows at higher temperatures than we saw in TRACE. I think  
>>>>> that
>>>>> this topic is going to be a major one in the coming years.
>>>>> Leon
>>>>> Klimchuk, James A. (GSFC-6710) wrote:
>>>>>> Wow, I'm surprised, and pleased, at the interest this paper has
>>>>>> generated!  Let me first respond to Leon's comment.  As Harry  
>>>>>> said
>>>>>> (thanks!), in order to get the extreme excess densities that are
>>>>>> observed in most warm loops, the footpoint heating needs to be so
>>>>>> concentrated that no equilibrium exists (which strictly  
>>>>>> speaking is
>>>>>> different from an instability).  Hence, thermal  
>>>>>> nonequilibrium.  A
>>>>>> few years back, Spiros P. and I addressed your suggestion with  
>>>>>> Amy
>>>>>> that asymmetric heating and steady flows might explain the
>>>>>> observations. Our modeling showed that the density enhancement  
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> adequate to explain some loops, but the scale height is too  
>>>>>> small and
>>>>>> the filter-ratio temperature profile is far too structured (paper
>>>>>> attached).  We thus rejected this explanation.   Sorry!
>>>>>> Thanks for your comment,
>>>>>> Jim
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: loops-bounces at solar.physics.montana.edu [mailto:loops-
>>>>>>> bounces at solar.physics.montana.edu] On Behalf Of Harry Warren
>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 6:19 PM
>>>>>>> To: A mailing list for scientists involved in the observation  
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> modeling of
>>>>>>> solar loop structures
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Loops] loops and thermal nonequilibrium
>>>>>>> Leon,
>>>>>>> As I recall, your paper with Amy relied on footpoint heating,  
>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>> does
>>>>>>> lead to higher apex densities and flatter temperature ratios.  
>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>> observed
>>>>>>> densities near 1 MK are so high, however, that the loops become
>>>>>>> thermodynamically unstable. Also, the high speed EIS flows are
>>>>>>> typically
>>>>>>> seen in faint regions and are not associated with the types of  
>>>>>>> loops
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> Jim is attempting to model.
>>>>>>> Harry
>>>>>>> On 12/5/09 3:16 PM, "Leon Golub" <golub at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Jim,
>>>>>>>> Amy and I addressed the issues of excess density, flat  
>>>>>>>> temperature
>>>>>>>> profiles and large scale height about 10 years ago. Having  
>>>>>>>> flows of
>>>>>>>> 30-40 km/sec, as is observed in TRACE and now verified by  
>>>>>>>> EIS, solves
>>>>>>>> these problems quite nicely. So there is a viable mechanism  
>>>>>>>> other than
>>>>>>>> nanoflares.
>>>>>>>> Leon
>>>>>>>> Klimchuk, James A. (GSFC-6710) wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Loops Friends,
>>>>>>>>>   If you are interested, the attached paper shows that coronal
>>>>>>>>> loops
>>>>>>>>> cannot be explained by thermal nonequilibrium.  The results  
>>>>>>>>> appear
>>> to
>>>>>>>>> rule out the widespread existence of coronal heating that is  
>>>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>>>> highly
>>>>>>>>> concentrated low in the corona and steady or quasi-steady  
>>>>>>>>> (slowly
>>>>>>>>> varying or impulsive with a rapid cadence).  Comments are
>>> welcomed.
>>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>>> Jim
>>> **************************************************************
>>>>>>> ***************
>>>>>>>>> ***
>>>>>>>>> James A. Klimchuk
>>>>>>>>> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
>>>>>>>>> Solar Physics Lab, Code 671
>>>>>>>>> Bldg. 21, Rm. 158
>>>>>>>>> Greenbelt, MD  20771
>>>>>>>>> USA
>>>>>>>>> Phone:  1-301-286-9060
>>>>>>>>> Fax:      1-301-286-7194
>>>>>>>>> E-mail:  James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov
>>>>>>> <mailto:James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov>
>>>>>>>>> Home page:
>>> http://hsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/staff/bios/cs/James_Klimchuk.html
>>> **************************************************************
>>>>>>> ***************
>>>>>>>>> ***
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>>>>>>> // Harry P. Warren             phone : 202-404-1453
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>>> Piet Martens              Tel:   617-496-7769
>>> Center for Astrophysics   Fax:   617-496-7577
>>> 60 Garden Street, MS 58   Cell:  617-999-0353
>>> Cambridge, MA 02138       pmartens at cfa.harvard.edu
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