[Loops] time dependent atomic systems

Phil Judge judge at ucar.edu
Fri Jan 8 14:02:54 MST 2010

Stephen et al,

Further to the interesting discussion on non-equilibrium
processes in the corona, I unashamedly advertise two
relevant pieces of my own work:

1.  the DIPER package which handles these (among other) things,


     (see the image displayed at this url).

2. a paper discussing the analytical evolution of atomic
systems based upon an eigen-expansion.  It enables one to
understand how multi-level systems evolve and corrects
some misconceptions in the literature:

   "Understanding the time dependence of atomic level populations in
    evolving plasmas", Judge, P. G., Journal of Quantitative
    Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,  92, p. 479-510 (2005).

Best wishes

Philip Judge

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