[Loops] loops and thermal nonequilibrium

reale at astropa.unipa.it reale at astropa.unipa.it
Wed Jan 13 02:40:15 MST 2010

Dear Helen,
    sorry for the delay of this reply, but I think that this discussion is
very important: can you really really exclude a hot emission component
down to 3 orders of magnitude below the highest signal in the UV band?
Are uncertainties so small? What is the confidence of this result? Can
you provide a quantitative upper limit? Is this result published and
can you provide a reference (it is very important)?
Best regards

> Dear Jim (et al),
> there is no doubt that high temp emission (log T>6.7)
> can be seen in the hot dense core of the AR, however the
> EIS data do not show high temp emission (down to 3 orders
> of magnitude below the peak DEM) in the 'warm' loops.
> The XRT DEMs have large uncertainties. There seems to be
> some inconsistencies between EIS and XRT DEMs, but perhaps
> these might be resolved with the revised calibration
> presented at Hinode-3.
> Best wishes,
> helen
> --
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