[Loops] loops and thermal nonequilibrium

H.E.Mason at damtp.cam.ac.uk H.E.Mason at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Wed Jan 13 03:24:23 MST 2010

Dear Fabio,

we are just awaiting acceptance of our paper O'Dwyer et al, and then
Brendan (my grad student) will circulate it. 

I'm in the Antarctic at the moment with very basic and intermittant
email. I'll be back in Cambridge at the begining of Feb.

We are pretty confident in our results, but are looking to get
more EIS datasets and carry out more analyses.

Best wishes,

On Jan 13 2010, reale at astropa.unipa.it wrote:

>Dear Helen,
>    sorry for the delay of this reply, but I think that this discussion is
>very important: can you really really exclude a hot emission component
>down to 3 orders of magnitude below the highest signal in the UV band?
>Are uncertainties so small? What is the confidence of this result? Can
>you provide a quantitative upper limit? Is this result published and
>can you provide a reference (it is very important)?
>Best regards
>> Dear Jim (et al),
>> there is no doubt that high temp emission (log T>6.7)
>> can be seen in the hot dense core of the AR, however the
>> EIS data do not show high temp emission (down to 3 orders
>> of magnitude below the peak DEM) in the 'warm' loops.
>> The XRT DEMs have large uncertainties. There seems to be
>> some inconsistencies between EIS and XRT DEMs, but perhaps
>> these might be resolved with the revised calibration
>> presented at Hinode-3.
>> Best wishes,
>> helen
>> --
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