[Loops] paper on modeling coronal fuzziness

Fabio Reale reale at astropa.unipa.it
Mon Jun 21 08:14:55 MDT 2010

Dear collegues,
     let me point out a new paper "Coronal fuzziness modelled with 
pulse-heated multistranded loop systems" by Guarrasi, Reale & Peres, 
accepted on ApJ : we model the well-known evidence of  coronal fuzziness 
increasing with temperature (e.g. Tripathi et al. 2009) as due to 
multi-stranded nanoflare-heated loop structure, and in particular to the 
higher filling factor of "warm" (2-3 MK) strands. You can find a 
preprint on:


Best regards

Fabio Reale
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