[Loops] new paper

binhest at mps.mpg.de binhest at mps.mpg.de
Tue Jun 22 02:13:06 MDT 2010

Dear Marcus,

thanks for the hint to your recent loop paper. I browsed through it
but I stumbled already on page three where you outline your philosophy:
You want to test, how close you can fit a potential field to a set of
(stereoscopically derived) field lines. The answer could have bee given
without numerical tests: as close as your parameter space allows. The
same would hold for a NLFField. The field you find is probably not
unique, because you may superpose potential fields which vanish along
the field lines. Hence from a successful fit no conclusion can be drawn 
about the nature of the true field.
At the end of subsection 2.1:  I do not know the paper by Gary (2010), but 
Conlon and Gallagher (2010) is not NLFFF.
And finally: What do you mean by "Abelian"? Commonly this term is used for 
a group property indicating the the group operation is commutative. What 
does "Abelian" mean for a magnetic vector field ?

Many regards


   M   M  PPPP  SSS                    Dr. Bernd Inhester
   MM MM  P  P S           Max-Planck-Institut for Solar System Research
   M M M  PPP   SS                37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
   M   M  P       S        Phone:+49 5556 979477  Fax:+49 5556 979240
   M   M  P    SSSS                 Email: binhest at mps.mpg.de

On Fri, 18 Jun 2010, Markus J. Aschwanden wrote:

> Dear Loop Aficionados,
> In case you are interested in magnetic modeling of loops ....
> Cheers,
> Markus
> Aschwanden,M.J. and Sandman, A.W. 2010, Astronomical Journal, ... (in press)
> URL1="http://www.lmsal.com/~aschwand/eprints/2010_bootstrap.pdf"
> Bootstrapping the coronal magnetic field with STEREO: Unipolar potential field modeling
> ____________________________________________
> Dr. Markus J. Aschwanden
> Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory
> Lockheed Martin Advanced Techology Center
> Org. ADBS, Bldg. 252
> 3251 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
> Phone: 650-424-4001, FAX: 650-424-3994
> URL: http://www.lmsal.com/~aschwand/
> e-mail: aschwanden at lmsal.com
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