Ignacio Ugarte Urra iugarte at ssd5.nrl.navy.mil
Fri Oct 8 12:05:09 MDT 2010

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the fifth Loops Workshop to be held in Palma
de Mallorca, Spain, June 29-July 2, 2011, hosted by the Universitat de
les Illes Balears. The loops workshops are a series of highly focused
meetings dealing with the observation and modeling of magnetically
confined plasma in the solar upper atmosphere.

For this meeting we have planned a number of sessions dedicated to
specific topics. These sessions include:

* The Coronal Heating Problem: Review talks that will address the
current state of the coronal heating problem, including recent progress
and interesting theoretical paradigms.

* The Properties of the Solar Corona: Review talks that will explore the
boundaries of our understanding of the solar corona and its relationship
to the transition region and chromosphere.

* Integrating Models and Observations: A systematic look at coronal
heating models and what they predict for solar observables.

* Open Questions in Coronal Loops: A Series of Debates.
 - Flows vs Waves
 - Spicules vs. Evaporation, how does mass enter the corona?
 - The DEM spectrum from isothermal to multi-thermal
 - Steady vs. Impulsive Heating

To allow for extended discussion sessions the number of speakers will be
limited to about 40.

We anticipate having a poster session to accommodate other topics of

For further information check our web site at:

The Scientific Organizing Committee
Steve Bradshaw
Jim Klimchuk
Helen Mason
Joan Schmelz
Jaume Terradas
Ignacio Ugarte-Urra, chair
Harry Warren 

Local Organizing Committee:
José Luis Ballester, Chair
Ramón Oliver
Iñigo Arregui
Jaume Terradas
Antonio Díaz
Marc Carbonell
Samuel Rial

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