[Loops] type II spicule paper

Petrus Martens martens at physics.montana.edu
Tue Jul 31 11:27:23 MDT 2012

> And if you start believing in Scudders ideas on coronal heating through
> velocity filtration I've got a good deal on a bridge between Brooklyn
> and Manhattan I can recommend.

Too late!  I already bought it.


> Best wishes,
> Viggo
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 18:57 , Petrus Martens wrote:
>> On 7/31/12 10:42 AM, Charles C. Kankelborg wrote:
>>> So, Anderson concluded that the velocity filtration model needed to be
>>> redone with Coulomb collisions included. Dorelly and Scudder came back
>>> in 2003 with a paper concluding that "the electron heat flux is
>>> determined by the essentially collisionless high-energy tail" of the
>>> distribution:
>>> http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003JGRA..108.1294D
>>> Does that mean the coulomb collisions don't really affect prediction of
>>> energy transport? I haven't followed the trail of citations any
>>> farther...
>> Ah, now I remember!  The mean-free-path for high energy electrons is of
>> the order of the loop length (has to be be;  if it is longer there is
>> no coronal heating, if it is much shorter likewise).  So chromospheric
>> electrons in some energy range will contribute to coronal heating.  Now
>> the question is whether there will be enough of them.
>> Cheers,
>> Piet
>>> Charles
>>> On 2012 Jul 31, , at 9:27 AM, Dana Longcope wrote:
>>>> Stephen Anderson did a very thorough analysis of how Coulomb
>>>> collisions affect the model.
>>>> http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1994ApJ...437..860A
>>>> dana
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Dana Longcope    |     Dept. of Physics
>>>> Professor               |     Montana State University
>>>> (406) 994-7851    |     Bozeman, MT 59717
>>>> dana at solar.physics.montana.edu <mailto:dana at solar.physics.montana.edu>
>>>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Petrus Martens wrote:
>>>>>>    Do you mean velocity filtration, where the corona is simply
>>>>>> particles from the
>>>>> tail of the chromospheric distribution function?  That theory has
>>>>> been largely discredited.
>>>>> That's news to me.  Do you have a reference?
>>>>> Piet
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>>> Charles Kankelborg AC7NY |
>>> 260C EPS Building        | "If Christ is risen, nothing else matters.
>>> Physics Department       |  And if Christ is not risen --- nothing else
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>>> Bozeman, MT 59717        |
>>> Phone: 406-994-7853      |                 --Jaroslav Pelikan
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> ========================================================
> Viggo H. Hansteen http://www.astro.uio.no/~viggoh
> Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk               tel: +47-22856120
> PB 1029, Blindern                                    fax: +47-22856505
> N-0315 Oslo, Norway Viggo.Hansteen at astro.uio.no
> <mailto:Viggo.Hansteen at astro.uio.no>
> ========================================================

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