[Loops] type II spicule paper

Viggo Hansteen viggo.hansteen at astro.uio.no
Tue Jul 31 11:14:28 MDT 2012

Yes, clearly. And the high energy tail of electrons accelerated in the chromosphere can easily be associated with type II spicules. Jim's theory is all wet in other words ;-)
And if you start believing in Scudders ideas on coronal heating through velocity filtration I've got a good deal on a bridge between Brooklyn and Manhattan I can recommend.

Best wishes,

On Jul 31, 2012, at 18:57 , Petrus Martens wrote:

> On 7/31/12 10:42 AM, Charles C. Kankelborg wrote:
>> So, Anderson concluded that the velocity filtration model needed to be
>> redone with Coulomb collisions included. Dorelly and Scudder came back
>> in 2003 with a paper concluding that "the electron heat flux is
>> determined by the essentially collisionless high-energy tail" of the
>> distribution:
>> http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003JGRA..108.1294D
>> Does that mean the coulomb collisions don't really affect prediction of
>> energy transport? I haven't followed the trail of citations any farther...
> Ah, now I remember!  The mean-free-path for high energy electrons is of
> the order of the loop length (has to be be;  if it is longer there is
> no coronal heating, if it is much shorter likewise).  So chromospheric
> electrons in some energy range will contribute to coronal heating.  Now
> the question is whether there will be enough of them.
> Cheers,
> Piet
>> Charles
>> On 2012 Jul 31, , at 9:27 AM, Dana Longcope wrote:
>>> Stephen Anderson did a very thorough analysis of how Coulomb
>>> collisions affect the model.
>>> http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1994ApJ...437..860A
>>> dana
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Dana Longcope    |     Dept. of Physics
>>> Professor               |     Montana State University
>>> (406) 994-7851    |     Bozeman, MT 59717
>>>         dana at solar.physics.montana.edu
>>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Petrus Martens wrote:
>>>>>    Do you mean velocity filtration, where the corona is simply
>>>>> particles from the
>>>> tail of the chromospheric distribution function?  That theory has
>>>> been largely discredited.
>>>> That's news to me.  Do you have a reference?
>>>> Piet
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>> Charles Kankelborg AC7NY |
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>> Bozeman, MT 59717        |
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Viggo H. Hansteen                                   http://www.astro.uio.no/~viggoh
Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk               tel: +47-22856120
PB 1029, Blindern                                    fax: +47-22856505
N-0315 Oslo, Norway                              Viggo.Hansteen at astro.uio.no

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