[Loops] Hinode EIS calibration

Dr G. Del-Zanna gd232 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Jun 28 07:52:28 MDT 2013

Dear all,

following a few requests during the loop workshop this week, I attach 
here a simple routine to apply my EIS calibration (as described in the 
appendix of the paper) and also find
the correction factors for data that were previously calibrated using the 
ground calibration.  


On May 15 2013, Dr G. Del-Zanna wrote:

>Dear all,
>as some of you have noticed, I've recently put on 
> two papers accepted for publication, one on SDO/EVE flare lines and one 
> on the Hinode/EIS calibration. This latter is of more general interest 
> because the corrections to EIS data from 2010 onwards are substantial 
> (factors of two or more). I wrote a simple IDL routine to return the 
> corrections to the previously-calibrated data. This is being tested 
> within the EIS-soft distribution list before inclusion in the EIS 
> software.
>Loops mailing list
>Loops at solar.physics.montana.edu
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