[Loops] A&A paper on Slow Pulsasions in Coronal Loops

Nakariakov, Valery V.Nakariakov at warwick.ac.uk
Mon Mar 3 07:58:23 MST 2014

Dear Frédéric,

A very interesting stuff indeed.
I’d also like to attract your attention to the paper
"Leakage of long-period oscillations from the chromosphere to the corona” by Yuan et al.,
A&A 533, id.A116, 2011,
were we presented the detection of long-period (about one hour) oscillations in the corona.

All the best,


On 3 Mar 2014, at 13:54, Frédéric Auchère <frederic.auchere at ias.u-psud.fr> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'd like to draw your attention to a paper recently published in A&A that may be of interest to you.
> http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2014/03/aa22572-13/aa22572-13.html
> http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.3792
> It describes slow (periods of several hours) pulsations discovered in coronal loops. We present a few typical events plus a statistical analysis of the main properties of the hundreds of events detected during solar cycle 23. They went mostly unnoticed up to now (probably because their detection requires the systematic analysis of a large quantity of data), but they seem to be common in coronal loops. The cause for these pulsations is still unclear, but they are likely related to the way the loops are heated.
> We'd be happy to discuss any suggestion you may have regarding the physical nature of these new phenomena.
> Share & enjoy,
> Frédéric Auchère
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